Adult Ministries

Our aim is to help each other grow in faith, support each other in life’s challenges, and serve our community with the love of Christ working in and through us. Find a place to connect!

In-person and via livestream


Small Groups

These groups are designed to help individuals and families meet to connect, encourage each other, and grow in faith through discussing the Bible. Subjects and meeting times vary, depending on the interests of the group.  

Women’s Group

Breaking Bread

A small group of women meet on the fourth Thursday of the month (January through October) for fellowship, prayer, and projects. Women of all ages are welcome.

Men’s Sunrise Bible Study

All men are welcome to meet early on Wednesday mornings to study the Bible and pray.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

All adults are welcome to meet on Wednesday mornings to study a book of the Bible or biblical theme.

Pathways (Sunday Education Time)

A Pathways class meets after worship services in the Gym. Lessons and discussions include topics of common interest, rooted in biblical teaching and practice.

Seniors and Retirees

River Terrace University, a gathering of primarily senior adults, meets approximately once per month to gather in the Gym and enjoy lunch and a presentation on a topic of interest.