Global Missions
RTC supports many individuals and organizations both in the United States and abroad. For security reasons, information on the Nigeria and Southeast Asia missions is only available in the church’s gathering hall.
In-person and via livestream

Anthony and Sara Sytsma
Resonate Global Mission, Uganda
Anthony works as Leadership Developer and Sara as Cultivator of Community Transformation on the Resonate Global Mission team in Eastern and Southern Africa. Anthony’s work focuses on training pastors and church leaders (including Timothy Leadership Training and Helping Without Hurting in Africa) and Sara works with communities integrating faith and life skills (agriculture, nutrition, baking, etc.) with many churches and church leaders in addition to local partnerships and ministry opportunities.
Read our latest prayer letter here.

Raul and Adrianna Herrera
Resonate Global Mission in Managua, Nicaragua, Central America
As Regional Connections Coaches, Raul and Adrianna mentor Central and North American organizations and churches. The Herreras’ build trusting connections with Resonate Global Mission partners in an effort to stabilize support from North America to Central America and to encourage North American application of Central American programs, such as trauma healing workshops. They plan to cultivate relationships with US and Canadian churches as well as Central American partners, including the Nehemiah Center in Nicaragua, Seeds of a New Creation in El Salvador, and Casa Adobe in Costa Rica. Read the newsletter from Resonate Central America Team here.
Read the Herrera’s latest newsletter here.

Adam Umbarger
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Northeast Wisconsin
Adam is a campus minister with InterVarsity serving Lawrence University and Bellin College. InterVarsity serves students and faculty on college and university campuses nationwide. Their vision is to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed. Adam’s main roles with InterVarsity include training student leaders, fostering community and discipleship among students, and leading sessions about faith and Christianity at conferences.
Read Adam’s latest newsletter here.