Youth Ministries
We want to help our teens follow Jesus; they face stiff challenges these days. We want to walk alongside them and equip them to trust God and lean on others in God’s family–including each other. The ministries below describe ways we’re trying to do this.
In-person and via livestream
Rooted Youth Group

Youth group builds fellowship among students in grades 6-12. We provide a fun and God-honoring atmosphere to help students build their faith. At youth group, you can expect to play games, have lessons, attend camps and mission trips, and participate in accessible Bible-based discussions.
Mission Trips

Mission trips have a long history at RTC, and this summer was no exception. Our high schoolers traveled to California and our middle schoolers served locally. Our youth embrace the chance to give back to a community in a hands-on experience.
Pathways (Sunday Education Time)

Our Pathways classes focus on learning the content of the Christian faith. Our middle school and high school students meet in the lower level during Pathways. Each group participates in their own age appropriate Christian Education.
The middle school uses a curriculum called Dive, from Dwell. Dwell is more than just a curriculum– it’s a place where young teens and leaders pause to wonder, imagine, marvel, and dive into God’s Story. This class creates an environment where teens are offered opportunities to enter God’s story, and then live into, and out of it together.
High School students use the Believe It Curriculum, which discusses different doctrines within Reformed theology. The goal is to creatively explore some fundamental aspects of our faith.