Staff and Council

Brent Wassink
Lead Pastor
(517) 351-9059 ext. 101

Carla Bieber
Children’s Ministry Director
(517) 351-9059 ext. 103

Tim Stokes
Youth Ministry Director
(517) 351-9059, ext. 109

Dave Ruark
Community Life Director
(517) 351-9059 ext. 102

Gary DeVries
Pastoral Care Director
(517) 351-9059

Janelle Schuurman
Financial Director

Derek Polischuk
Worship Ensemble Leader, Pianist

Wendy Hofman
Choir Director

Stacey Adams
Administrative Assistant
(517) 351-9059 ext. 100

Stephen Elmer
Technology & Media Coordinator

Mark Thomas
Lead Custodian
(517) 351-9059 ext. 105

Susan Lakos
Custodian and Food Preparation
Council is the governing body of our church, made up of elders, deacons, and the pastor.
Ronel Claassens (2024-27)
Crystal Gabrielse (2022-25)
Gary Henderson, Chair of Elders (2023-26)
Kristen Hintz (2024-27)
Rob Tempelman, Chair of Council (2022-25)
Joan Uitvlugt, Clerk of Council (2023-26)
Brent Wassink, Lead Pastor
Holly Corder (2024-27)
Kerry DeBano, Assistant Treasurer (2023-26)
Les Hayden, Assistant Secretary (2023-26)
Rachel Mangiavellano, Secretary (2022-25)
John Maxwell, Chair of Deacons(2022-25)
Stephen Elmer, Assistant Treasurer (2024-27)