Pastor’s Post June 28, 2024

“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”. Stephen Covey coined the phrase and used it in his book Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. His line fits for our church too. We have a main thing, our mission: to glorify God and make disciples. 

We kept the main thing the main thing this week in Vacation Bible School. A challenge will be to keep doing so as we process the decisions of Synod 2024. As I mentioned Sunday, our Council spent considerable time at its June meeting talking about Synod’s decisions. On Wednesday the CRC General Secretary sent the following note:

What does all this mean for us as we pursue our mission? That’s unclear at this point. One way we can engage on the matter is with CRCs in our region on August 18 (see “Save the Date!” in this email). Council will also consider other ways that could help us process this. 

I look forward to seeing kids at VBS tonight and am glad we’ll all hear a bit about the week this Sunday. Before then I’m aiming to follow up with a neighbor who had a fall and so far as I know is not a Christ-follower. Trying to keep the main thing the main thing.

–Pastor Brent

FYI: Council officers for 2024-2025 are Rob Tempelman as Council President, Gary Henderson as Chair of Elders, John Maxwell as Chair of Deacons, and Rachel Mangiavellano as Council Clerk.